Other Side Brand Logo

Join the private network for highly accomplished men who dare to go beyond their material success.

We choose the unconventional to help men achieve deep transformation towards truly fulfilled and complete lives.


Psychedelic initiations

Spiritual masters

Ego death experiences

Systematic life integration

Psychedelic initiations

Spiritual masters

Ego death experiences

Systematic life integration

Psychedelic initiations

Spiritual masters

Ego death experiences

Systematic life integration

Psychedelic initiations

Spiritual masters

Ego death experiences

Systematic life integration

Psychedelic initiations

Spiritual masters

Ego death experiences

Systematic life integration

Members of Otherside get access to an unparalleled and proven transformational system like no other.

World’s best techniques and masters for guaranteed breakthroughs.

Integration into business, life and relationships for sustained change.

Curated on-off in person experiences that activate the soul, body and mind.

Highest quality, intimate and luxury plant-medicine retreats.

Powerful network of highly accomplished spiritual men.

A personalized process designed to transform you from the root level.

Message from the founder

You've proven you can achieve what only the 1% can.

This is what’s next.

Ready to change your life forever?

Activation event

The Otherside program
(annual membership)

You are eligible to join Otherside if:

You are ready to radically shift your life.

You have an absolute and sincere commitment to your spiritual evolution.

You are an accomplished entrepreneur, artist or professional athlete.

You attend and pass the signature ‘Otherside Activation’ event.

Not a watch, not a car. Your life.


Our signature ‘Otherside Activation’ event

Designed to catalyze the transformation of your Fuel Source as well as allowing us to evaluate together whether you are ready for the full Otherside Transformation program and if we are the right fit for your journey.

This essential and mandatory step, curated by esteemed elders in the men's work space, helps you:


your current fuel source


the transformation process


your achieved progress

After the event, you will:

Determine if Otherside aligns with your personal journey and gain certainty on your next steps.

Build valuable connections with like-minded, high-achieving and impactful individuals.

Learn practical methods to sustain transformation and implement changes in day-to-day your life.

Gain firsthand experience in a trustworthy environment and connect deeply with the community.

Understand the impact of your current Fuel Source, identify key patterns preventing fulfillment and map out concrete steps for transformation.

The path to true fulfillment is to...

Go from being a master of the material world to mastering your spiritual self.

The arc of transformation

Begin your transformation, apply to join our signature 'Otherside Activation' event today.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Otherside?

Otherside is an exclusive private network for highly accomplished men who have surpassed their material goals and are now ready to undertake a transformative journey toward true fulfillment.

Our community embraces unconventional paths including psychedelic initiations, guidance from spiritual masters, ego death experiences, and systematic life integration to ensure sustained, lifelong change.

What are the requirements for Otherside membership?

To be eligible to join Otherside, you should be ready to radically shift your life, have an absolute and sincere commitment to your spiritual evolution as well as having a minimum net worth of $10M+ running a profitable business with at least $5M+ in annual revenue, or being founder with a successful exit ($5M+) or being an accomplished artist, author, or athlete. Think you are a fit? Apply to see if you qualify.

How do you guarantee the privacy of your members?

At Otherside, we understand the importance of confidentiality and privacy for our members, especially given their high-profile nature. We ensure privacy through stringent protocols including non-disclosure agreements for all participants, secure and private event locations, and a strict vetting process for all staff and attendees. Our commitment to privacy allows every aspect of member interaction—both online and in-person—be protected, allowing our members to engage freely and confidently in their transformative journey.

How do I apply, and what is the vetting process?

Complete our application form and schedule a call with our membership team to discuss your eligibility for our signature ‘Otherside Activation’ event. Post-event, compatibility is assessed before extending an official membership invitation. If referred by a current member, please mention their name on your application (under How did you hear about Otherside? section) for priority consideration.

Is Otherside a limited membership?

Yes, membership is intentionally limited to preserve the quality and integrity of our community. We prioritize intimacy and depth over size and revenue, crucial for transformative work.

What is included in Otherside membership?

Unlike most cookie-cutter programs dressed up as “deep work,” Otherside offers a bespoke, Omakase-style program that takes a hyper-personalized and encompassing approach to men's transformation. We have aligned world-leading spiritual masters and processes in a curated way to help you transform. Otherside requires you to drop all notions of how transformation works.

Is this an online membership?

The membership focuses on providing in-person experiences as part of your transformation followed by using online communications, teachings, workshops and other methods to support, teach and integrate your transformation. We care about intimacy and highest quality transmissions directly from the masters. Sometimes that’s online and other times that’s around a fire near the top of a mountain. 

Why is the ‘Otherside Activation’ event mandatory?

The spiritual integrity of the community is our number one priority. Our signature 'Otherside Activation' event is meant to help you identify your 'Fuel Source' and give you a roadmap to transformation. At the same time, it helps us determine whether of not you are truly ready for the path of transformation. If you are deemed to be ready physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, you will receive a personal invitation to join Otherside and go on your radical transformation journey with us.

If you're reading this far down, that means you're curious. However, your brain is looking for reasons not to apply.

What you do with this information is up to you.

I don't see the 'Otherside Activation' event dates. When is it?

Event dates are disclosed to candidates who advance past the initial interview, maintaining privacy for our high-caliber members.

What methods are used to achieve transformation?

Our approach is highly customized for each cohort, employing a range of tools from spiritual practices like kundalini activation and sexual mastery to plant medicine, delivered by the best experts in their respective fields.

What are psychedelic initiations, and is their use mandatory for membership?

Psychedelic initiations are expert-led sessions that expand the mind, allowing access to higher states of being, facilitating rapid and profound life changes. These sessions are integral to the Otherside experience as part of our commitment to deep, effective personal transformation, administered by top professionals.

How many people attend the ‘Otherside Activation’ event?

Each signature ‘Otherside Activation’ event is limited to 8-10 attendees to guarantee highest quality personalized experiences.

What is the ‘Ego Death’ experience?

Ego Death involves transcending your personal identity to merge with divine consciousness, accessing your deepest truths and interconnectedness, essential for achieving fulfillment.

What is your refund policy?

Refunds are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 'Otherside Activation' events are non-refundable.